Solidarity favors

Solidarity favors

Make your special events even more meaningful by choosing to donate an AISOS Solidarity Parchment and contribute in this way to the care and assistance of children suffering from osteosarcoma and their families.

Obtaining AISOS solidarity favors is very simple

1. first of all make a donation to AISOS specifying “Donation for solidarity favors” in the field that is activated by clicking on “Write us a comment” in the donation window (to ensure that the donation amount allows us to cover the direct costs of production and shipping, please consider a minimum of 1 Euro per favor)

2. return to this page, choose the favor model you want and provide us with the information necessary for its customization using the form that is activated by pressing the “Contact us” button below

We will commission the creation and shipment of your favors.

The AISOS Solidarity Parchment will make your gift more special and allow you to help us concretely in our mission.

Contact us for your solidarity parchment.
A concrete and significant choice, which can make a difference in the lives of many people.

The purchase of an AISOS Solidarity Parchment is a voluntary contribution in the form of a liberal donation, which allows you to deduct a portion of the cost incurred from your taxes. This means that in addition to the value of the gift itself, you can benefit from a tax advantage.

Contact us